Thursday, October 22, 2009

events and reflections...from the bottom of my heart.

did a short gig today at yih square. just two songs. didn't think i did it very well. the sound system didn't exactly catch my voice very well, so the sound coming out wasnt very gd too=X. but hey, every performance is a new learning experience. at least now i know how i must project my voice when singing outdoors =). and in a hot environment with no ventilation=.=

hopefully tomorrow will be better. don't think i'll try the same thing i did today; far too crazy for a live performance, and too risky. LOL=X. will just treat it like a normal singing session...

no stress=)

then went for lectures before settling down to do some work. and work i did. one full math tut in 1hr(personal best record=P) plus abit of mle. quite happy wif my productivity=)


life is a chore when u have nothing to look forward to. look forward to what? finals? lab reports? lectures? it's just hard to keep sane. i think i know the rationale for MOE implementing compulsory CCAs in sec sch and JC; to keep students sane. if everyday was just lecture, tutorial, lab day in day out, i wouldn't have survived school =.=

for me, the most significant motivation now is a someone. you have no idea the impact you have on me=). many a time tiredness and frustration kicks in when i can't do something, the thought of you calms me down. and brings a faint smile to my face. my sis used to ask why am i smiling to my laptop screen; am i crazy?

she couldn't be more right=)

now, of course, there's voices. previously i used to sing to vent my frustrations. somehow singing is my way of relieving stress. it still is. they say that the way you sing, the way you express your emotions, the amount of emotion you put in your singing, is tantamount to your experiences.

how true. i've learnt how to put emotion in, maybe because i have undergone quite alot of it myself. sometimes, it's not a bad thing to undergo troubles.

because problems make you grow. and lets you know who you are as a person. make you realise, what's most dear to you.

to begin the journey of discovery, you must first discover yourself...

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