Friday, February 12, 2010

for the past few days, i thought about walking down clarke quay and enjoying the river breeze.
for the past few days, i thought about talking about my pent up frustrations.
for the past few days, i thought about enjoying friday night.

just didn't think i would do it alone.

murphy sucks. seriously. go away, arsehole.

the beginning of better days. or is it?

end of week 5. end of all the horrible time consuming chem labs. now i have a 2hr day on tues and that's it. yay. and now left only 2 lsm labs before fri becomes a slack day too. yay times two.

next week is recess week cum chinese new year. nus is just downright evil to put midterms immediately after the recess week. on top of having to mug for midterms, still have some assignments whose deadlines are coming up as well. well done. seems like in uni, time is never enough to finish all the outstanding work before a new one pops up. no time to rest, no time to slack, no time to spend with the people most important to you.



你是好人 也是个坏人
对我坦承 只为了朝他狂奔
不能放任 所以放了

我是好人 也是个坏人
分得够狠 你才有藉口转身
宁愿爱 一点不剩
也不忍 看恋人爱成路人

damn nice song, that i forgot and recently just heard again. love the lyrics; makes you ooze sympathy for the singer. i think everyone needs to know when to let go, when to know that letting go is in fact a happier process.

你是好人 还是坏人?