well contrary to the title of this post, i'm gonna start off with something happy first=)
had a lovely night yesterday, spent with my dear=) well actually every night spent with her is lovely, just that yesterday more so=) strange that time passes soo fast everytime it comes to this particular day of the month, but it's okay...i always look forward to the one next month=)
and then my cors stuffs are almost settled. after two calls to the admin IC, apparently by tomorrow, they'll get the prof to waive off the prerequisite so that we can bid for that mod. and also received confirmation that the life sci mods will be preallocated, so no worries there...what's left is the sixth and (hopefully) last module. toying with the idea of taking eg2401 (and i may die taking that) or an arts gem. politics seem interesting...
and to the unholy call i had today. man, i realise i have limitless tolerance dealing with imbeciles, but if and only if i have NO CHOICE but to tahan them. okay, granted that he was right in his argument that everything isn't his fault and its the gahment statboards that screwed up (or rather, just a single officer. it's unfair to say that the statboard is inefficient just because of a single civil servant).
i pity the shithole he is in, that he received the shock of his life to open his letterbox and see a bill waiting for him, when he thought he paid up in full. and i did, throughout the course of the whole conversation, did assure him multiple times that i'm gonna stop any penalties whatsoever for him.
well, that was before he started complaining about the hassle, complain about the service, complain about HDB, complain about the way we bill, complain yada yada yada... before singaporeans complain about the gahment, or the way gahment agencies do things, they oughta take a cold hard look at themselves. i think many of us are too used to having things their way, that when they encounter setbacks or things that happen not to go their ideal path, they just go screaming and screaming.
compare yourselves to other people in other countries. you think the customer service is gonna talk to you nicely as you rant? think about it, before you decide to launch your endless tirade at the poor fellow.
geez...sometimes, i really cannot stand my fellow countrymen..