Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Occlumens, legilimens and Horcruxes

spoilers ahead for those who haven't watched half-blood prince.

well honestly it wasn't as good as i expected it to be. was kinda disappointed when i walked out of the cinema.

partially not the director's fault, because half-blood prince is omfg 607 pages long and he has to summarise that into 135 minutes, so you would expect him to skip some details. and it's widely known that jk rowling wrote half-blood prince as a prelude and bridge to the deathly hallows, the last book of the series. in fact the only significant thing happening in the book was the death of dumbledore, so the director had to build up to this not-very-exciting and anticlimax climax.(does that even make sense?)

that said, certain aspects could have been better and unimportant parts could have been cut out. like the burying of aragog and use of felix felicis, which was fun to read but prolly not so important in the grand scope of things. and they cut out the final quidditch match, as well as the final battle between the death eaters and members of the order, which was of paramount importance and could have erased the anticlimax feeling. AND the ending was horrible.abrupt and absolutely anti-climical.zzz.

snape sucked in his role; simply not nasty and angsty enough for his meaty role. but i liked rupert grint!his lovesick expression was uber funny lol!

next movie: g i joe!if i have the time to watch it that is...=X

sometimes, we must learn to appreciate life for what it is, instead of what it can be.

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