Friday, October 2, 2009

hindsight and foresight

recently a friend told me that it's better to lose knowing that you have tried, rather than to lose without trying...i.e. even if you know u're gonna lose, just try anyway. if u don't know whether u're gonna lose, all the more you must try.

makes sense. actually subconsciously, i've always been applying this theory. all along i've never been one to give up. you get hit, you stand up, you live to die another day. until i realised recently that i've only been applying this to work, army and studies. other times, this strangely missing.

when you have nothing to lose but all to gain, go for it.
when you have something to lose but more to gain, you SHOULD still got for it.
but when you have everything to lose, but everything to gain, will you still go for it?

it's a matter of whether you can stand to lose. i've heard bankers give talks and say,'You must always think how much you can lose before you invest. If you can afford to lose, then you can afford to invest.' i subscribe to that theory. only if you can afford that setback, can you afford to start.

can i afford to lose? i don't think so. =X

or rather, i should change the question to, will i lose? hmm...that's a good question,that i currently do not have an answer.

will the answer come soon? hopefully=P...

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