Friday, October 23, 2009


so many things to remember because so many things happened today. let's start from sequence.

i woke up at 6 plus due to a weird dream i had last night=.= then decided i couldn't sleep anymore and decided to blog. that entry is locked, at least until when i think it should be released. and to the right person too.

went to school for math tutorial followed by performance at yih. 10 minutes before the show, my emotions were turning from emo/sadness to happy/giddiness =X. shall not elaborate. but suffice to know that my mood was visibly lifted. thank you, for letting me know =)

the sound system was still quite bad today. my first 2 songs were sung with me not hearing much of the music and i certainly couldn't hear myself.=.= but i thought 专属天使 and 记得 was okay. especially 专属天使. i could see marcus's expression when i DIDN'T do zy's version of 记得. so funny. he was looking at me expecting me to do the falsetto adlib, then when i didn't, he smiled. LOL. hilarious=D. and marcus nodded at me when i was doing 专属天使, and i could hear myself quite clearly, so i thought it was prolly the best song of the lot. maybe because i felt it was the most important song of the lot too?

if i was a little braver, maybe i would have made some comment while singing 专属天使. to talk about the 天使(angel) around me now=) but i wasn't. so maybe next time?=)

went for all the lectures including the utterly useless MLE one where the prof was squeaking to the freaking wall and no one could hear what he was saying. this kind of lecture is classified under the 'go home read textbook then understand' kind of lecture.=.= seriously. gawd what is NUS thinking??

went voices for a while, went through the band arrangement but kaili wasn't around so it wasn't very productive. went back after awhile to meet requiem and reason=)




very nice song. never had the courage to try singing this, because it gets too high at the back and there is a technique i need to use that i haven't mastered. but today i altered it and made it sound like me =)

I just want to see you happy. If you feel that it's your fault, don't. Because it was never your fault to begin with. And because I'm only happy if you are.

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