Monday, June 8, 2009

rants and loves

The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.

Paul Valery

have been sleeping late and waking up early recently. seems like a vicious cycle to me. just can't seem to sleep early these days. and unlike what mum guessed(which most of the time happens to be wrong =P), it isn't coz of some random problem that's bugging me. it's the ABNORMAL CRAZY HEAT THAT IS GONNA KILL US ALL. zzz.

and the unholy chronic headache is back. with a freaking vengeance. strikes every year at this time between june to august. like the la nina and el lino waves, every year it returns to give me hell. jeez. maybe it's just something wrong with my brain.=P

kinda out of sorts at work today. and got some crazy callers. seriously bth.

Example One
"there are white spots on my TV. i think lightning strike my house antenna last night. how??"

Example Two
"it's not fair it's not fair it's not fair it's not fair (multiplied by infinity)"
(not happy plz call police. my eardrums can't take your nonsense you know)

Example Three
"you sure you can ah? you sure you can help me reinstate? you sure you can...?"


okay enough ranting.

suddenly went back to my 'roots' to listen all my chinese orchestrian music =D. quite effective as a mood-lifter sia. 泰山頌 - 日出,遠望,松濤, 攀登 and 台湾追想曲and 奋勇前进. soothes me the way classical music soothes most people.

maybe i'll join back CO in nus? *ponders*

*you thought, i think, who confirm?*

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