Saturday, October 31, 2009

miniconcert 2009...and the aftermath.

sound makes or breaks a gig. just proved that theory tonight.

the sound was rather bad, with feedback and loud screeching noises occasionally. marcus was trying his best, let's give him the credit he deserves, but still, it was bad. at least the first half was. the MCs (me included) had to come up with random fillers to prevent the audience from going to sleep while the band prepared itself. mostly it was xianyou and wang qian doing the random talking, while me and grace just stoned.=.=

feel quite bad. especially later when kee onn and judson came to speak to me and wang qian on the principles of hosting. hmm. lots to improve on. maybe the effort from me just wasn't there tonight. was disturbed by the very bad sound system and couldn't find my energy to engage the audience. well. never mind. it was a sombering experience=X.

my song was fine, for once, throughout the whole night, there was no feedback from the speakers. though i couldn't really hear myself on stage, i was told by seniors that my voice kinda overpowered kaili's and they couldn't really hear kaili's voice. kinda apologetic. i was surprised by my own 'relaxness' before the song. no nerves, just tiredness. and i thought i did justice to the song=)

after the whole thing ended (with xianyou prancing around on stage like a crazed man; it was good mind you. meant it in a good way, though both their voices cracked. LOL. super hilarious. crack at the same note summore=.=), they called for a debrief, and said a whole lot of things expected for a debrief. 'you all did well','but can improve','thank you all for the effort','i thought it was good' etc etc. to be honest, to be a good leader, after every concert/performance/recital, you have to say that to your groupmates because they did put in the effort to do well.

whether it is truly that way remains to be seen. sometimes, results not equals effort.

and i'm program head for emerge 2010. means more busy, busy stuff to do. luckily ben's program head too, so i suppose we share the workload?=P haha.

till emerge next year=)

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